May 7, 2010


Yes we did!!! We burned that piano.

Believe it or not, this is a long standing military tradition. Particularly an Air Force tradition. It comes from World War II. In England a gentleman who had played the piano at the officer's club had been on a mission over Germany. Well the bad news is, he did not come back. The Brits being somewhat morbid, got a little too many pints in them, and decided that if Ole "So-and-so" could not play the piano...then nobody would. So in honor of "So-and-so", they burned the piano to the ground.

We at the Air Force Academy did not need so many pints, just some lighter fluid, a road-side flare, and permission from the base fire chief.

It really was a lot of fun.

Oh yeah...and we did eat a whole bunch of good Chicken!!

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